Trends in the Family

The family has changed through time, even within the past couple of years. Marriage ages are going up, divorce rates are going up, birth rates are going down, and the number of people getting married are going down. So what? What effects do these changes have on the world?
All of these changes are going to have an effect on children. We are already starting to feel the effects of the decrease in children. We are struggling to find replacements for some very important jobs because of a lack of people. There are also some negative financial effects associated with these changes. Disclaimer: I do not believe that people should be having kids because of these financial effects. With that said a significant effect includes our government running out of social security. We all have been paying into social security, that will not stop anytime soon. We as a nation are not having enough children to pay for us to receive social security when it comes time for us to receive it.
A lot of children are also being affected by the fact that more children are being born out of wedlock. There are plenty of studies that show the positive effects of having a Mother and a Father in a stable relationship. Even in The Family: A Proclamation to the World it says that there are specific roles that each play and specific things that each bring to the table. Men and women are different, women are usually the more nurturing and loving type while men are usually more the protector and provider type. With single mothers the negative affects do not necessarily come because the mother wasn't supportive or loving but more because of the financial instability that usually comes with being a single mother. When articles talk about challenges that come in single parent households they aren't saying that to undermine the hard work and love that these parents give their children but because of the evidence that has been collected it is proven to be a less beneficial environment compared to an intact biological family.
I know that the family is so important. In my own family I have seen things that both of my parents have to offer. My mom for example is someone I feel emotionally protected by, she is someone I can talk to about my day because she shows me that she cares about both the good and bad things in our life. She is also so organized, she is the one who is in charge of our families finances, she is also the one who nurtured our educations. Some of my earliest memories come from the 'Joy School' that my mom put together with some of the other ladies in our ward. We would take turns having school at the different moms' houses. We would do fun activities that aided in our learning, we would learn the alphabet, the weather, the colors, and simple numbers. I can remember my mom sitting down, being so patient with me as she taught me to read. She was the one who would come and cuddle me after my nightmares, the one who lovingly cleans up and takes care of me while I am sick, and she one who I can call when I need advice for medication, cooking, or health. My dad on the other side has been the one in my house that makes me feel physically safe. He has been the one to make us laugh and to take us to have a good time. He hasn't been the best to talk to about my emotions or the thoughts in my head but he is very education and is someone I know I can talk to for advice I need for the real world. He is the provider in the family and makes sure that the kids feel taken care of. He is the one to helps us with our homework.
The world needs to realize that all of our choices have a effect, whether that is on us, those around us, or both. We need to educate ourselves to the best of our abilities so we can make the choices with the most positive effects on those around us. 


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