
This week we learned about fatherhood. My dad is awesome, he is strong, funny, hardworking, and super loyal. My dad and I used to be super close. I was his first kid and the only girl for 13 years. I was definitely a daddy’s girl, we loved going on daddy-daughter dates to the roller-skating rink. He would pull me behind him, we would have the best time together. I love looking at old home videos with my dad, we were always laughing, and you could tell that I thought the world of my dad. The dynamics of our relationship have changed as time has passed; things have happened in both of our lives that have driven a wedge between us. I miss being that close with my dad, I think having a good relationship with your dads are so important. I have seen my relationship with my dad start to shift again though. As I have been away from home for a while and have been preparing to leave on an 18-month mission I have seen him reach out more and show interest in all of the details of my life. Through all of these stages I have always respected my dad and have been very grateful for him and the sacrifices he makes for my family and I.
In the document The Family: A Proclamation to the World it gives some roles that Fathers should take on, these roles include providing, presiding, and protecting. These are things that my dad does very well. My dad’s true passion is teaching, he gave that up in order to provide a comfortable job for my family. He sacrificed a job that he truly loved for a job that doesn’t make him very happy. He is so selfless and truly takes on the role of providing for my family. He is also a great presider; he is the head of my household. My mom is still a very involved leader in my family, but my dad works with my mom collaboratively in order to lead and nurture a healthy family. He is a leader and really takes on the role of the presider. And lastly my dad likes to make sure that we all feel safe in our house, he is prepared, and I know he would do anything to protect every member of my family. He is thoughtful and caring and takes on the role of the protector. I think that all of these roles are very important, they work together to lift that man up to be the best father and role model that he can be. That is especially true if that man truly loves God more than anything else.
I read an article titled ‘The Ideal Father: Religious Narratives and the Role of Fatherhood. In this article it talks about how as time passes fatherhood is seen as more of a social construct. I totally agree that the views and expectations of fatherhood have totally changed. With the feminist movement at a peak father have lost a lot of their value, a lot of men need to feel like they are useful and have a purpose to perform to the height of their abilities. I think fathers now days are given less trust, responsibility, and respect. The team aspect of a relationship has disappeared for the most part. Working mothers are increasing which takes away pieces of the man’s role of providing. As time passes the roles are being forgotten and the lines are being blurred.
              I love my dad I realize that he is essential to the machine which is my family.


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